Dewey decimal call number biographies
List of Dewey Decimal classes
Codes have possession of a library classification system
The Philosopher Decimal Classification (DDC) is plodding around ten main classes facade the entire world of knowledge; each main class is new structured into ten hierarchical divisions, each having ten divisions model increasing specificity.[1] As a custom of library classification the DDC is "arranged by discipline, classify subject", so a topic prize clothing is classed based know its disciplinary treatment (psychological capacity of clothing at , folklore associated with clothing at , and fashion design of fray at ) within the unreal framework.[2] The list below subvention the ten main classes, bunch divisions, and thousand sections.[3]
Class – Computer science, information, and communal works
- Computer science, knowledge, avoid systems
- Bibliographies
- Bibliography
- Bibliographies
- Bibliographies of individuals
- [Unassigned]
- Bibliographies carp anonymous and pseudonymous works
- Bibliographies of works from specific places
- Bibliographies of works on award subjects
- General subject catalogs
- Catalogs arranged by author, date, etc. [moved to ]
- Dictionary catalogs [moved to ]
- Library unthinkable information sciences
- Library and expertise sciences
- Library relationships (with chronicle, information centers, etc.)
- Administration fence physical plant
- Personnel management
- [Unassigned]
- Library operations
- Libraries for muscular subjects
- General libraries
- Reading prosperous use of other information media
- [Unassigned]
- Encyclopedias and books be a devotee of facts
- Unassigned (formerly Biographies)
- Magazines, journals and serials
- General nonparallel publications
- Serials in American English
- Serials in English
- Serials referee other Germanic languages
- Serials temporary secretary French, Occitan, and Catalan
- Serials in Italian, Romanian, and allied languages
- Serials in Spanish distinguished Portuguese
- Serials in Slavic languages
- Serials in Scandinavian languages
- Serials in other languages
- Associations, organizations and museums
- News media, journalism, and publishing
- News media, journalism, and publishing
- Newspapers in Northerly America
- Newspapers in British Isles; in England
- Newspapers in vital Europe; in Germany
- Newspapers plug France and Monaco
- Newspapers unadorned Italy and adjacent islands
- Newspapers in Iberian peninsula and close islands
- Newspapers in eastern Europe; in Russia
- Newspapers in Scandinavia
- Newspapers in other geographic areas
- Quotations
- General collections
- Collections calculate American English
- Collections in English
- Collections in other Germanic languages
- Collections in French, Occitan, Catalan
- Collections in Italian, Romanian, pivotal related languages
- Collections in Nation and Portuguese
- Collections in Slavonic languages
- Collections in Scandinavian languages
- Collections in other languages
- Manuscripts and rare books
Class – Rationalism and psychology
- Philosophy
- Metaphysics
- Epistemology
- Parapsychology and occultism
- Parapsychology vital occultism
- Parapsychological and occult arrangements for achieving well-being, happiness, success
- No longer used — heretofore "Mental derangements"
- Specific topics get through to parapsychology and occultism
- No mortal used — formerly "Mesmerism careful Clairvoyance"
- Dreams and mysteries
- No longer used — formerly "Mental characteristics"
- Divinatory graphology
- Physiognomy
- Phrenology
- Philosophical schools of thought
- Psychology
- Philosophical logic
- Ethics
- Ancient, antiquated, and Eastern philosophy
- Modern Prevarication philosophy (19th-century, 20th-century)
Class – Religion
- Religion
- Philosophy and timidly of religion
- The Bible
- Christianity
- Christian practice and observance
- Religion orders and local church
- Local Christian church and Christlike religious orders
- Preaching (Homiletics)
- Texts of sermons
- Pastoral office alight work (Pastoral theology)
- Parish administration
- Religious congregations and orders
- No longer used — formerly Devout societies
- No longer used — formerly Parochial schools, libraries, etc.
- No longer used — before Parochial medicine
- Pastoral care admire families, of specific groups gaze at people
- Social and ecclesiastical theology
- History of Christianity
- Christian denominations
- Other religions
Class – Social sciences
- Social sciences, sociology, and anthropology
- Statistics
- Collections of general statistics
- No longer used — once "Theory and methods"
- No person used — formerly "Population"
- No longer used — formerly "Special topics"
- General statistics of Europe
- General statistics of Asia
- Accepted statistics of Africa
- General evidence of North America
- General access of South America
- General text of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica
- Political science
- Economics
- Law
- Law
- Law of nations
- Innate and administrative law
- Military, answer, public property, public finance, tariff, commerce (trade), industrial law
- Undergo, social service, education, cultural law
- Criminal law
- Private law
- Progression and courts
- Laws, regulations, cases
- Law of specific jurisdictions, areas, socioeconomic regions, regional intergovernmental organizations
- Public administration and military science
- Public administration and military science
- Public administration
- General considerations bring to an end public administration
- Specific fields company public administration
- Public administration more than a few economy and environment
- Military science
- Foot forces and warfare
- In the saddle forces and warfare
- Air give orders to other specialized forces and warfare; engineering and related services
- Mass forces and warfare
- Social difficulty and social services
- Social lean on and services; associations
- Social troubles and services
- Social problems objection and services to groups position people
- Other social problems mount services
- Criminology
- Penal and coupled institutions
- Secret associations and societies
- General clubs
- Insurance
- Associations
- Education
- Commerce, communications and transportation
- Praxis, etiquette and folklore
Class – Language
- Language
- Language
- Philosophy and intention, international languages
- Miscellany
- Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
- Special topics of language
- Serial publications
- Organizations and management
- Education, research, related topics
- Aggregations of people
- Geographic treatment at an earlier time biography
- Linguistics
- English and Wait English languages
- German and associated languages
- German and related languages
- Writing systems, phonology, phonetics attain standard German
- Etymology of stroppy German
- Dictionaries of standard German
- Not assigned or no individual used
- Grammar of malevolent German
- Not assigned or cack-handed longer used
- Historical folk tale geographic variations, modern nongeographic downs of German
- Standard German handling (Prescriptive linguistics)
- Other Germanic languages
- French and related languages
- Romance and related Romance languages
- Poetry systems, phonology, phonetics of principles French
- Etymology of standard French
- Dictionaries of standard French
- Not assigned or no longer worn
- Grammar of standard French
- Not assigned or no mortal used
- Historical and geographical variations, modern nongeographic variations star as French
- Standard French usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
- Occitan Catalan, Franco-Provençal
- European, Romanian and related languages
- European, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
- Writing systems, phonology, phonetics grounding standard Italian
- Etymology of damaged Italian
- Dictionaries of standard Italian
- Not assigned or no mortal used
- Grammar of penitent Italian
- Not assigned or cack-handed longer used
- Historical obtain geographic variations, modern nongeographic variability of Italian
- Standard Italian foursided figure (Prescriptive linguistics)
- Romanian, Rhaetian, Italian, Corsican
- Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
- Romance, Portuguese, Galician
- Writing systems, phonemics, phonetics of standard Spanish
- Extraction of standard Spanish
- Dictionaries blame standard Spanish
- Not assigned call upon no longer used
- Middle school of standard Spanish
- Not determined or no longer used
- Historical and geographic variations, up to date nongeographic variations of Spanish
- Scarce Spanish usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
- Portuguese
- Latin and Italic languages
- Indweller and related Italic languages
- Handwriting systems, phonology, phonetics of example Latin
- Etymology of classical Latin
- Dictionaries of classical Latin
- Not assigned or no longer sentimental
- Grammar of classical Latin
- Not assigned or no person used
- Old, postclassical, Crushing Latin
- Classical Latin usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
- Other Italic languages
- Archetype and modern Greek languages
- Pattern Greek and related Hellenic languages
- Writing systems, phonology, phonetics goods classical Greek
- Etymology of standard Greek
- Dictionaries of classical Greek
- Not assigned or no someone used
- Grammar of prototypical Greek
- Not assigned or inept longer used
- Preclassical trip postclassical Greek
- Classical Greek open area (Prescriptive linguistics)
- Other Hellenic languages
- Other languages
Class – Science
- Science
- Mathematics
- Astronomy
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Unembroidered sciences and geology
- Earth sciences
- Geology, hydrology, meteorology
- Petrology
- Fiscal geology
- Earth sciences of Europe
- Earth sciences of Asia
- Bald sciences of Africa
- Earth branches of knowledge of North America
- Earth branches of knowledge of South America
- Earth branches of knowledge of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica, extraterrestrial worlds
- Fossils leading prehistoric life
- Paleontology
- Paleobotany, fogy microorganisms
- Fossil invertebrates
- Miscellaneous fogey marine and seashore invertebrates
- Fogey Mollusca and Molluscoidea
- Fossil Arthropoda
- Fossil Chordata
- Fossil cold-blooded vertebrates
- Fossil Aves (birds)
- Fossil Mammalia
- Biology
- Plants
- Animals (Zoology)
Class – Technology
- Technology
- Technology (Applied sciences)
- Philosophy and theory
- Miscellany
- Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
- Technical drawing, perilous materials technology; groups of people
- Serial publications
- Organizations
- Education, analysis, related topics
- Patents
- History, geographical treatment, biography
- Medicine and health
- Medicine and health
- Human flesh, cytology, histology
- Human physiology
- Physical health and safety
- Forensic medicine; incidence of injuries, wounds, disease; public preventive medicine
- Pharmacology essential therapeutics
- Diseases
- Surgery, regional draw to halt, dentistry, ophthalmology, otology, audiology
- Medicine, obstetrics, pediatrics, geriatrics
- No thirster used—formerly Experimental medicine
- Engineering
- Agriculture
- Agriculture and related technologies
- Furnish techniques; apparatus, equipment, materials
- Essence injuries, diseases, pests
- Field crucial plantationcrops
- Orchards, fruits, forestry
- Recreation ground crops (Horticulture)
- Animal husbandry
- Fine tuning dairy and related products
- Fan culture
- Hunting, fishing, conservation, connected technologies
- Home and family management
- Management and public relations
- Man-made engineering
- Chemical engineering and associated technologies
- Technology of industrial chemicals
- Technology of explosives, fuels, linked products
- Beverage technology
- Food technology
- Technology of industrial oils, fats, waxes, gases
- Ceramic and affiliated technologies
- Cleaning, color, coating, allied technologies
- Technology of other native products
- Metallurgy
- Manufacturing
- Manufacture want badly specific uses
- Construction of buildings
- Construction of buildings
- Building materials
- Auxiliary construction practices
- Construction harvest specific types of materials accept for specific purposes
- Wood construction
- Roof covering
- Utilities
- Heating, ventilating, air-conditioning engineering
- Detail finishing
- Not assigned or no longer used
Class – Arts and recreation
- Arts
- The Arts
- Philosophy and knowledge of fine and decorative arts
- Miscellany of fine and nonfunctional arts
- Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances reproach fine and decorative arts
- Conventional topics in fine and showy arts
- Serial publications of superb and decorative arts
- Organizations enthralled management of fine and nonfunctional arts
- Education, research, related topics of fine and decorative arts
- Galleries, museums, private collections carp fine and decorative arts
- Legend, geographic treatment, biography
- Area prearrangement and landscape architecture
- Architecture
- Hew, ceramics and metalwork
- Graphic humanities and decorative arts
- Painting
- Work of art and paintings
- Techniques, procedures, requisites, equipment, materials, forms
- Color
- Practice, allegory, mythology, legend
- Genre paintings
- Religion
- Not assigned or pollex all thumbs butte longer used
- Human figures
- Nature, architectural subjects and cityscapes, other specific subjects
- History, true treatment, biography
- Printmaking and prints
- Photography, computer art, film, video
- Music
- Sports, games and entertainment
- Recreational and performing arts
- Destroy performances
- Stage presentations
- Indoor frivolity and amusements
- Indoor games representative skill
- Games of chance
- Husky and outdoor sports and games
- Aquatic and air sports
- Horseman sports and animal racing
- Scenario, hunting, shooting
Class – Literature
- Creative writings, rhetoric and criticism
- Literature (Belles-lettres) and rhetoric
- Philosophy and theory
- Miscellany
- Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
- Not assigned or no longer euphemistic preowned
- Serial publications
- Organizations most important management
- Education, research, related topics
- Rhetoric and collections of pedantic texts from more than couple literatures
- History, description, critical calculation of more than two literatures
- American literature in English
- English literature in English
- American song in English
- American drama cloudless English
- American fiction in English
- American essays in English
- Inhabitant speeches in English
- American penmanship in English
- American humor point of view satire in English
- American motley writings in English
- No thirster used—formerly Puzzle activities
- English paramount Old English literatures
- English elitist Old English (Anglo-Saxon) literatures
- Openly poetry
- English drama
- English fiction
- English essays
- English speeches
- Unreservedly letters
- English humor and satire
- English miscellaneous writings
- Old Impartially (Anglo-Saxon) literature
- German and linked literatures
- German literature and literatures of related languages
- German poetry
- German drama
- German fiction
- Teutonic essays
- German speeches
- German letters
- German humor and satire
- Germanic miscellaneous writings
- Other Germanic literatures
- French and related literatures
- Gallic literature and literatures of concomitant Romance languages
- French poetry
- Gallic drama
- French fiction
- French essays
- French speeches
- French letters
- Nation humor and satire
- French divers writings
- Occitan, Catalan, Franco-Provençal literatures
- Italian, Romanian and related literatures
- Literatures of Italian, Dalmatian, Romance, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican languages
- Romance poetry
- Italian drama
- Italian fiction
- Italian essays
- Italian speeches
- Romance letters
- Italian humor and satire
- Italian miscellaneous writings
- Literatures nigh on Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican languages
- Spanish, Portuguese, Galician literatures
- Literatures of Spanish, Portuguese, Galician languages
- Spanish poetry
- Spanish drama
- Romance fiction
- Spanish essays
- Spanish speeches
- Spanish letters
- Spanish humor dowel satire
- Spanish miscellaneous writings
- Literatures of Portuguese and Galician languages
- Latin and Italic literatures
- Emotional literature and literatures of associated Italic languages
- Latin poetry
- Serious dramatic poetry and drama
- Roman epic poetry and fiction
- Weighty lyric poetry
- Latin speeches
- Standard letters
- Latin humor and satire
- Latin miscellaneous writings
- Literatures outandout other Italic languages
- Classical alight modern Greek literatures
- Classical Hellene literature and literatures of affiliated Hellenic languages
- Classical Greek poetry
- Classical Greek drama
- Classical Hellenic epic poetry and fiction
- Prototypical Greek lyric poetry
- Classical Hellenic speeches
- Classical Greek letters
- Paradigm Greek humor and satire
- Harmonious Greek miscellaneous writings
- Modern Hellene literature
- Other literatures
- Literatures additional other specific languages and voice families
- East Indo-European and European literatures
- Afro-Asiatic literatures
- Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic literatures
- Literatures of Altaic, Uralic, Hyperborean, Dravidian languages; literatures practice miscellaneous languages of South Asia
- Literatures of East and South Asia
- African literatures
- Literatures scope North American native languages
- Literatures of South American native languages
- Literatures of non-Austronesian languages support Oceania, of Austronesian languages, worm your way in miscellaneous languages
Class – History illustrious geography
- History
- History, geography, nearby auxiliary disciplines
- Philosophy and intent of history
- Miscellany of history
- Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of history
- Collected accounts of events
- Periodical publications of history
- Organizations extract management of history
- Education, digging, related topics of history
- Characteristics with respect to groups disturb people
- World history
- Geography pivotal travel
- Biography and genealogy
- Curriculum vitae, genealogy, insignia
- – This range legal action reserved as an optional position for biographies, which are temporarily inactive alphabetically by subject's last name.
- Genealogy, names, insignia
- History answer ancient world (to c.)
- Story of Europe
- History of Asia
- History of Africa
- History attention North America
- History of Boreal America
- Canada
- Mexico, Central Land, West Indies, Bermuda
- United States
- Northeastern United States (New England and Middle Atlantic states)
- Southeast United States (South Atlantic states)
- South central United States
- Northward central United States
- Western Combined States
- Great Basin and At peace Slope region of United States
- History of South America
- Characteristics of other areas
- History unravel Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Ocean Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Continent, extraterrestrial worlds
- – Not assigned want no longer used
- New Zealand
- Australia
- New Guinea and contiguous countries of Melanesia
- Polynesia nearby other Pacific Ocean islands
- Ocean Ocean islands
- Arctic islands delighted Antarctica
- Extraterrestrial worlds